| Photo by Kent Pilcher on Unsplash
In Exodus 15, we hear the song of Moses after the miracle of the Red Sea.
Moses declared something in this song g that is a great reminder today. With all of the issues of our day, we need to remember:
Exodus 15:18; “The Lord will reign forever and ever.”
What a great reminder that God is in control of all my days! God reigns over this world, and all that is in the world!
Why do I think I am in control of everything in life? Lord, help me to surrender to You because You are in control of all things. What a great source of peace that brings to me today!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Pastor Ronald Squibb has been the International Christian Church (ICC) Lead Senior Pastor at Staten Island, New York, since 2011. He draws many experiences from his over 40 years as a pastor and significant emotional life experiences.
His new book, Following the Journey with Jesus, which he co-authored with Daniel McNaughton, was recently published and is getting rave reviews. His daily devotional appears in this publication.