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In 2 Kings, Elijah has died, and now Elisha is the next prophet. Elijah trained him, and now we see the transition. Every single one of us is only here for a season. We need to train others to take over for us. We need to learn to pass the baton off well.
In 2 Kings 4 – we see one of his first miracles. We see that a widow comes to Elisha and cries out to him, “My husband who served you is dead, and you know how he feared the Lord. But now a creditor has come, threatened to take my two sons as slaves.” Elisha asks: “What can I do to help you? “What do you have in the house?” She responds: “Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil.”
In verses 3-4, we read, “And Elisha said, “Borrow as many empty jars as you can from your friends and neighbors. Then go into your house with your sons and shut the door behind you. Pour olive oil from your flask into the jars, setting each one aside when it is filled.”
How would we respond to this word from the prophet? We want God’s miracles but do not want to be involved or do our part to see God’s provision. How many of us would like someone to provide a little money or food? We want a handout. But God wants to grow our faith in Him.
Elisha tells her to go to her friends and neighbors and borrow empty jars. Can you imagine doing that today? Knocking on your neighbor’s doors to ask for empty jars. What would our neighbors do? How many would ask you, “Why do you need empty jars?” How would you respond to that question?
The size of the miracle was proportionate to the number of empty jars. A few jars or many jars would determine the amount of the miracle.
After she collects all the jars, she goes in with her sons, closes the door, and starts pouring the oil. The oil is supernaturally poured out as long as there are empty jars.
If we want to see the supernatural in our lives, it will come the same way: by trusting God, having faith in God, and obeying God’s Word and Will for our lives!
Lord, help me respond to Your Word today! Help me trust You and Obey You; You are always faithful to Your Word!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Pastor Ronald Squibb has been the International Christian Church (ICC) Lead Senior Pastor at Staten Island, New York, since 2011. He draws many experiences from his over 40 years as a pastor and significant emotional life experiences.
His new book, Following the Journey with Jesus, which he co-authored with Daniel McNaughton, was recently published and is getting rave reviews. His daily devotional appears in this publication.