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Paul writes another letter from prison to the followers of Jesus, in this little letter called Colossians.
In Colossians 1, we see Paul praying for the Christian church. His prayers give us great insights into how we should pray for ourselves, our families, our church, and our city.
Colossians 1: 9-10 says, “So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of His will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding. Then, the way you live will always honor, and please the Lord and your lives will produce every kind of good fruit. All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.”
What a great prayer we need in our lives and our families.
- We need to pray that God will give us complete knowledge of His will for our lives. The safest place to be is in God’s perfect will for your lives. If you want the blessing of God, you must be in His will. We need to pray this for ourselves and our families so that they will know God’s will for their lives. Do I know God’s will for my life? Do I know what God wants for me, my family, my future? If not, I must pray that God will reveal His will to me.
- We need to pray that God will give us spiritual wisdom and understanding. We need to understand and know God and His Word, and then we need to apply the wisdom to this in our daily journey of following Jesus. We are told, “If anyone needs wisdom, let him ask of God, and He will give it.”
- We need to pray that God’s will, our wisdom and knowledge of His will, and His Word will change our lives so that they will always honor God, please God, and that our lives will produce good fruit.
There is a result in our everyday life. What fruit is being produced from my life?
- We need to pray that we will continue to grow in following Jesus. As long as we live, we need to continue to grow as we learn to know God better and better. This is not just knowing facts about God, but knowing Him!
Lord, I pray this prayer for myself, my family, our church, and our city today!
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Pastor Ronald Squibb has been the International Christian Church (ICC) Lead Senior Pastor at Staten Island, New York, since 2011. He draws many experiences from his over 40 years as a pastor and significant emotional life experiences.
His new book, Following the Journey with Jesus, which he co-authored with Daniel McNaughton, was recently published and is getting rave reviews. His daily devotional appears in this publication.