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Part XV of the “United States 2024 Election
President Biden’s poll numbers on how he handles the economy and inflation are low. Former President Trump’s standing in the polls on the economy is much higher—even if the facts and figures, especially job creation, are better under the Biden Administration than its predecessor’s performance.
Today, people with low incomes are unhappy with the economy, as price gouging by producers and distributors continues to saddle the workforce. Prices of prime commodities continue to be driven higher by cartel-like petroleum and pharmaceutical industries and other greedy manufacturers. The billionaire capitalists and the Corporate Americans continue their strangulation of the working class, the senior citizens, and people with low incomes.
This column has suggested that the Biden Administration request the Justice Department and Attorneys General of willing states to sue erring Corporate America members—especially the petroleum and pharmaceutical cartels members—for their price-gouging practices.
On February 16, 2022, this column suggested to President Biden to go against the price-gouging practices of the U.S. oil industry in this article: How President Biden Can Swiftly Tame Inflation at this link.
The column said: “It (the Biden Administration) must act urgently and swiftly in energy production and the wholesale-and-retail pricing of oil products. President Biden should simply form a Task Force composed of representatives of Cabinet offices that deal with energy.” But the suggestion was ignored.
Worse, the House of Representatives continues to ignore the bipartisan bill passed by the United States Senate on continuing military and economic aid to Ukraine. If only the Biden Administration’s Economic Team had followed this columnist’s suggestions in 2022 and 2023 about encouraging the Ukrainian government to issue cryptocurrency and war bonds, as backed up by its Central Bank.
This column suggested how Ukraine could finance its reconstruction and a long war with the Kremlin by issuing a cryptocurrency backed up by a guarantee from its Central Bank. And even the floating of “war bonds.” The suggestion was made on July 10, 2022, in this op-ed article, “Ukraine Can Easily Finance Its Reconstruction and a Long War with Kremlin” at this link: https://www.philippinedailymirror.com/ukraine-can-easily-finance-its-reconstruction-and-a-long-war-with-kremlin/
The suggestion was amplified in this column’s article published on October 8, 2023, titled More on Funding Ukraine’s and Its Martyrs’ Victory at this link.
Yes, the 2024 election campaign must raise the need to save democracy and women’s civil rights by defeating politicians who threaten “bloodbaths” if voters ignore their fascist policies.
But bread-and-butter issues must equally be ventilated. The Biden Administration must swiftly take steps to prove that it is taming inflation by running after price-gouging cartels. It must lay to waste the adage that says, “It is easier said than done.”
This journalist cum book author allowed a New York-based Filipino-American publisher to collect all this column’s articles on the suggested “Biden Back-to-Basics Doctrine.” The book dubbed as “Mabuhay Writings Book 4” is available at Amazon Books at this link
President Biden appears on the cover and urges him to become “A Bolder Biden of Old.”